Friday, April 11, 2008

Mister Guiness Book for REALLY Long Hairs!

Yes it is true! You are currently reading about a one day famous person. Scott has been growing out his arm hair in an attempt to beat the current World Record which is 5.3 inches. He is at 3.5 and is working hard to continue the growth. He is very protective of this hair and only "pat dries" that side of his arm. Nearly a month ago we went to Colorado to visit the good old family. While driving there, the highway was closed due to weather and we became stranded in Evanston, WY. We booked a hotel and woke early the next morning to get on the road. Scott had just got out of the shower and was standing in front of the heater. I was lying on the bed and looked over at Scott. To my amazement, I saw a long ARM hair blowing in the wind! It was at that moment that I believed he truly could accomplish this long term goal. I have attached pictures so you all can witness this REALLY long arm hair. He is so proud and has made me promise to have a party once he has reached the World Record. You will all be invited!! Enjoy the photos. More on the Blacksters later.....


Matich Family said...

EEEEWWW! Best of luck Scott, but lets be honest...that is bloody hillarious. cheers!

lizdye said...


lizdye said...
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Anonymous said...

why aren't all his arm hairs that long? heh. that would be funny.

Sarah B said...

Kami, do you have any bodily talents you'd like to share?

The Molen's said...

Holy Crap......way to be a man Scott! That is one crazy hair! Kami- your blog is really cute....can't wait to see pictures of your fun trip. Cally has been telling me all about it! Hope you don't mind I checked out your blog! Tricia Moon Molen

Brooke said...

love it....Scott and Kimball can hang and compare long hairs...