Saturday, June 7, 2008

Crazy OR Athletic?


So my sister Angela and I completed our third marathon 3 weeks ago. The question is weather this is just craziness or that we are somehow athletic. I am leaning towards craziness! For those of you who have run a marathon know what I am talking about. My sister tells me its like having a baby. The pain increases with each step until you are dilated to a 10 then once the baby starts to come the pressure and pain releases. I don't remember in the race when the pain released but I do remember that I became delusional and numb. Maybe that is what she is talking about!? Beside the fact that I had major blisters and my friend skip with me (the bug I got in Turkey), the scenery was beautiful and I DID IT!!! Thanks for all the support from everyone. I needed it!

To add to my idea of this being craziness- I went and got a pedicure last week. I sat in the chair and put my feet in the water. A little Asian man (lets face it they are the best) came over and introduced himself. He was going to be doing my pedicure. He pulled my feet out of the water and looked at all my blisters on my feet. He looked at me and said "Why you have so many blisters?" I replied "I ran a marathon last week." He looked up at me and without saying anything I could tell he was thinking 'You crazy lady'. It was pretty clear he felt the beauty of my feet were far more important than a stupid marathon! More on the blacksters later...


Brooke said...

I am actually jealous of your insanity! I think that is so neat that you have ran 3!! rock!

Matich and Amber said...

Way to go Kam!

Kim C said...

You are my hero!!!

amy said...

Hey blacksters! Its the winkel's. We ran across your blog and wanted to say hi! We should get together, its been a long time! We have a new phone number 801-381-5270. Call when you have a free night, we'd love to see you guys!

Megan said...

Definitely crazy...You're amazing!!