Scott has been anti the "creepy" Santa's in the mall all season long. This means that Matix experienced his first Santa (Scott) sitting at my parents house on Christmas Eve. He was slightly traumatized... poor guy. I just love this picture!
His Christmas p.j's that he opened the night before!
Santa came in the night and brought him a trike!!! He was so excited and when we went to leave for Grandma's house we couldn't get him off it. He kept saying "Don't, Don't, Don't Dad!".
Matix was a shephard for the Nativity at Grandma's house. He didn't love his outfit because he kept tripping on it but loved the "sheep" (dog) stuffed animal.
Christmas was so fun this year. Matix was really into opening his gifts. We look forward to many more years!
Happy Holidays!
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Posted by the blacks at 8:08 PM 1 comments
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Matix is soooo busy these days- it's a love/hate relationship! He is so fun. He is saying lots of words and sentences that we can't understand but he can and that's all that matters! Today Scott and I were standing there and he came up to both of us with his arms wide open. He put both of his arms around our legs and pulled us together and gave us a big hug. I love it! He has so much personality...

I love this boy... Can't wait to see him Christmas morning.
Posted by the blacks at 1:07 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Italia/Matix's resentment
Cinque Terra
These are 5 cities along the coast. They are beautiful and the hike we took was amazing. These pictures don't do it justice but just imagine the water crashing on the rocks and the most beautiful view!

Venice was my most favorite. It rained the entire time and the streets flooded with 6-8 inches of water. We decided to embrace the rain and get rain boots- they were worth every Euro!

Rome has the most amazing history. On almost every corner you can see ancient buildings or statues. We did A LOT of walking and saw the Bone Church, Fountain of Trevi, Spanish Steps, the Coloseum, the Forum, the Vatican, St. Peters, and the Pantheon.
The Coloseum...

This is the Fountain of Trevi in Rome on our last day. We decided to get a picture when there weren't hundreds of people standing around it blocking the view!

He wouldn't look at us the whole ride home from the airport. At one point though, I caught him looking out the window smiling. When he turned around he put his frown back on and refused to make eye contact. He was definitely punishing us! My dreams of him running to us with open arms was crushed... We have been home now for 3 days and he is warming up to us more but randomly reminds us of our choice to leave him! I can't wait till he becomes a teenager and is able to punish us with more sophisticated ways!!!!
Thanks Scott, Brett, and Ally for a WONDERFUL trip!!!! Matix, we are sorry and hope you will soon forgive us!
Posted by the blacks at 5:38 PM 2 comments
MATIX- who else?
Happy Belated Halloween from Waldo (AKA Matix)!!!
He wouldn't let go of the toothpaste and toothbrush for the photo. When we finally got them away from him, he cried so hard that it smeared his glasses!
Everyone has to put their pants on their head a least once in their life... right?
The beloved Monkey- he was kissing/strangling it at the same time. True Love!
We love this boy! Even if he has been having his "terrible twos" since he turned one. How does that happen? I assume that means that it will end earlier! Or is that wishful thinking? I can't tell...
Posted by the blacks at 5:23 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Family Pics
I'm back... for now!
Here are some of the recent photos of my little family. Thanks to Cat Palmer! Take a vote on which ones you like- if any! I need some help. This doesn't necessarily mean that you like the way we look- we have to work with what we have! Although, Scott and Matix are darling... Honest opinions only Please- we will know if you say things like "Kami's nose looks small" or "Matix's hair looks like Scotts" or "Scott doesn't have any facial hair". You get the picture, right?
Posted by the blacks at 2:01 PM 1 comments
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Saturday, August 21, 2010
We lost our nanny to college this week- tear! My niece, Kinsey, has been watching Matix for the past 9 months. I think both of them are going to go through serious withdrawls! I have to admit, I was jealous at times that Matix wouldn't cry when I left BUT also really glad that he was happy with her. She has been perfect for him and we will really miss her! She is going to LOVE college and we are all happy for her but selfishly sad that Matix won't have his buddy! We love you Kins- Be good!!!
Posted by the blacks at 2:27 PM 1 comments
Monday, July 26, 2010
On the 4th of July, we set up the pool for the kids in my backyard. I was talking with my sister and turned around to find this. Matix had gotten a hold of my Diet Coke and was enjoying his first taste of a bad habit!
This is in Steamboat Springs, Colorado. We were there a couple weekends ago for a Ford Family reunion. We had a lot of fun floating down the river, going on a bike ride, and Matix enjoyed his first rodeo. He loved all the animals (at a distance)...
Matix absolutely loves the water- I think this picture demonstrates that well!
This is in Colorado at Scott's sister's wedding. This is Matix and his cousin Owen. They are 31 hours apart. I think they look darling in those bow ties!
Posted by the blacks at 9:08 PM 0 comments