Sunday, December 14, 2008


Our Christmas Tree

I absolutely love Christmas time and fresh snow. This morning we woke up to fresh snow fall. Last week I nagged Scott to put up the Christmas lights on the house claming "It's going to snow soon and then we can't have lights." It was really good manipulation and luckily it worked. Scott did a great job! He was a little nervous when I made him put lights on the highest point of our house but he survived and I am so glad we have lights!

I hope this Christams season we can all think of others and what we can share to make their day brighter. I have to remind myself daily of how blessed I am in everyway. This whole pregnancy thing has caused my emotions to be all over the place or as Scott would call it "Bi-polar" BUT I would love to be more selfless this Christmas season and help those in need. I hope you all have a Merry Christmas! Thank you Scott for brightening my Christmas and always teaching me about selfless love!

Fresh snow and christmas lights!


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