Friday, May 11, 2012
Piper Lyn Black
We have a new addition to our family. Piper was born April 6th. She weighed 7lbs 12oz- the same as Matix! She is a really good baby and Matix loves her. He can't kiss her enough! She is getting so big. Our doctor told us that she is one of the only breast-feed babies that didn't loose weight in the hospital. She then continued to gain 2 more pounds at her 2 week check up. She has caught up to her cousin that was born 3 days after her and a pound heavier! I love her many rolls and want to squeeze her! Can't wait for all of you to meet our cute little girl...
Posted by the blacks at 9:25 AM 1 comments
Monday, October 10, 2011
I finally found the culprit....
So today, along with the last month, has been a busy one. Which means Matix has been spending a lot of time getting into things and doing lots of naughtiness! Last week he managed to cover his entire room with Vaseline including his himself. It took 6 washed with baking soda to get it out of his hair. We are still finding Vaseline randomly throughout his room... I was so mad at him that unfortunately I don't have any pictures. To top it all off Scott was away on a business trip and when I text him the news he responded "HA HA that sucks!". He was so thoughtful and endearing...
So I have to back up a little. When Matix was 18 months old, my wedding ring some how disappeared. Matix was in the stage of throwing things away and I thought for sure my ring had made it to the garbage. Scott would always defend Matix and look at me as if I was just shifting blame and avoiding responsibility for my careless actions. Well fortunately, I had insurance on my ring so I was able to replace it.
Now back to today... I was busy getting our house ready to sale and Matix had been in and out of the bathroom. Having the experience with Vaseline last week, we were not going to have the toothpaste next. I heard something drop in the garbage and told him to get out. Being too busy, I didn't go look at what had gone in the garbage. An hour later, I went to use the toilet. I happened to look down in the garbage and there it was... my new wedding ring! Matix had attempted yet another disposal of my ring but luckily was unable to accomplish his task. I happily told Scott of what HIS "innocent" son had done. Scott didn't have much to say but by the look in his face I know he was thinking "YOU WERE RIGHT"...
It's too bad that I love that kid so much or else... Let's be honest, what could you do to a kid this cute???
Posted by the blacks at 2:37 PM 2 comments
Thursday, September 29, 2011
What's NEW with us???
Where to begin... Matix is showing us more personality every day. He is constantly saying "do it myself" and "don't mom/dad" and "what doing mom". He needs to be in the know... He can also say all of his ABC's and is able to identify them when we point them out. He loves to sing "spider" (itzy bitzy spider) and "twinkle" and HATES bedtime/nap time. He is very protective of his mother. The other night we went to Pace's to get a rainbow. A rainbow is slush with ice cream in it. For those of you who haven't ever tried one- I suggest you get on it! Scott ordered a cherry one to share with Matix. Matix wanted his own cup so I was holding the cup while Scott was pouring it. The cherry spilled over the top onto my hand. Matix thought I had been cut and was bleeding. He started asking "what happened mom? what happened?". He then started crying and telling Scott "don't dad, don't dad"... We had to explain to him that I wasn't hurt and that it could wipe off. He doesn't like it when Scott tries to wrestle with me or apparently show affection. He is getting so big and today told me "bye mom, going to school".Here he is at the Davis county fair. He was fearless with these animals and couldn't stop touching them!
On another note... I am now over 14 weeks pregnant. We are excited to have another baby in our family and Matix is going to be the best big brother! We have been watching my friends baby and he has been so gentle and is such a big helper. I am due March 28th but if its anything like Matix... I will have a baby (hopefully) by April 10th!
We also put our house up for sale last week. We had a showing that night and they put in an offer. We are under contract and will be closing October 18th... craziness! We are under contract with a house that is being built in Kaysville- it is suppose to be done by November 15th... so we will be homeless! Scott parents have offered up their guest room... so nice of them! I guess they couldn't stand the thought of their grandson under a viaduct on 4th south!
We will keep you posted!
Posted by the blacks at 9:16 AM 4 comments
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
My Monkey is 2!!!
This was my little monkey 2 years ago... He was such a beautiful baby! He was so obedient, he didn't talk back, he liked to cuddle, and was so easy to please (eat, poop, and sleep)...
Just another example of what life was like 2 years ago... NOW...
He is just as handsome, likes to talk back, is obedient most of the time, cuddles if he's hurt or really really tired, and most the time I have to put on a clown act to get him to eat! BUT I wouldn't trade it for the world! He is the best thing that's happen to us and I can't believe he is 2! TEAR!
So of course we had to have a PARTY! Scott said it was over the top and that I was trying to compensate for something that I didn't have or something along those lines (blah blah blah) BUT the truth is Matix loves Pirates and the party was a hit!
This is his cousin Owen. They were born 31 hours apart. Happy Birthday Owen! (Notice the Pirate tattoo... You can't have a pirate party without the obvious!)
Scott and I thought it was time to get him a basketball hoop since every time we exit our home he heads straight for our neighbors hoop. We also spent a lot of time wrapping it... can you tell?!Lots of swimming... It was so cold though that most of the kids lips were purple at some point. We tried but the weather didn't want to help us out.
The cake... I spent all day making this stupid thing! It was fun but I was having flashbacks of a traumatic childhood memory when my Mom agreed to make a wedding cake for someone and we were hiding in the kitchen when they arrived to get it because it looked so horrible. I think me and my sisters were all in tears and made my Mom promise to never agree to do that again... Anyone need a wedding cake??? I know someone...Matix just kept picking at the cake and licking his finger... after all it was HIS birthday! I love his face in this picture.
Overall, my little monkey is getting so big, the party was over the top, and my next kid will likely not receive the same treatment!
Posted by the blacks at 1:58 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
8 Years... Seattle here we come!
June 12th was our 8th year anniversary. I surprised Scott with a weekend getaway to Seattle. It was really nice to get away while Matix enjoyed his time at Grandma Black's and Aunt Gayla's. Thanks again!
While in Seattle, we came across a car show. Scott was in heaven... keep dreaming!
We didn't actually go up the Space Needle but figured you have to at least see it if you are in Seattle. There was a guitar museum outside of the Space Needle. It was a tribute to Jimmy Hendrix and Nirvana... it was pretty cool. It is kind of sad when your childhood is in a museum!We drove nearly 4 hours to the Hoh Rainforest. It was beautiful... I would do it again any day! We listened to some really good 80's on the way out there and I think Scott was ready to kill me by the time we arrived. I had to sing to him so he didn't fall asleep at the wheel!
We went on the Underground Tour... mmmm we could have done without this one! But look at this stud in the picture- isn't he a hottie???
Pike's Place Market. This is where they throw the fish. I could have eaten all the fruit in this market. It looked amazing!
Overall, another great trip with my hubby! I love that I married someone who loves traveling as much as I do. I don't know what I would do without him! I could just be saying that since he is traveling for work right now and I HATE being a single mom! OR maybe it just has helped me realize how lucky I am! Love you babe! Happy 8th and many more to come!
Posted by the blacks at 1:36 PM 2 comments
Dirty Dirty Dash
After... This was one of the funnest races I've done! We even got Scott out there. It's a 5k and is full of mud and obstacle courses. The only down side was the showers afterward. They were FREEZING! It was all I could do to hold my body in there long enough to get the dirt off. Other then that, I highly recommend doing it! Scott and I will be there next year for anyone who likes to run, eat mud, and hope that what you are laying in isn't poop! Thanks Taylor for the invite!
Posted by the blacks at 1:28 PM 1 comments
Goblin Valley
For Memorial day this year, we decided to go down to Goblin Valley with some of our good friends. It was a lot of fun- minus the wind- but overall good times! Matix was in heaven and has asked to go hiking every other day since.
The Fam! Matix wouldn't look at the camera because we were in front of something much more exciting- a fire!
This is Matix's cheese face... I love this picture. It looks like I am a really irresponsible mom and let my son sit on a ledge but it's really not that high off the ground. Scott's sister Cally, who is risk management for the family, is probably freaking out right now!
There were so many cool rock formations here! I highly recommend visiting if you haven't. It's great for kids...
It was cold at night so that is why he is dressed for a winter storm. He loved having the head lamp on and sitting in his chair. He is such a stud!
The ladies!
Matix and Kimball had a lot of fun together...
My friend Brooke is Betty Crocker- for those of you who know her would agree. She had all of these activities for the kids. I luckily got out the door with enough clothes and food for my kid! This was one of them- they made glasses. They were hilarious!
Left to Right... Amber, Matix (he didn't want us), Chris, Syd (dog), Phil, Kimball, Brooke, Via, Scott and me. Thanks for a good trip!
Posted by the blacks at 12:57 PM 3 comments